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Auto Insurance South Dakota

map of the state of South Dakota

South Dakota cheap auto insurance quotes are somewhat easy to find if you opt for the very minimum amount of coverage required by the state. However, as with every other state in the country, the minimums are sorely inadequate. If you want true coverage that will protect you, opt for higher insurance limits and more forms of coverage. Know what is necessary and what is suggested before you start shopping around.

South Dakota Cheap Auto Insurance Quotes: Mandatory Coverage

In South Dakota, mandatory liability coverage for all drivers includes limits of no less than $25,000 per person for bodily injury; $50,000 per accident in total for bodily injury; and $25,000 per accident in total for property damage. Recommended levels are $100,000 per person for bodily injury; $300,000 per accident in total for bodily injury; and $100,000 per accident in total for property damage.

Even though South Dakota is one of the 10 lowest states in terms of uninsured drivers with only an estimated 8.6% of motorists carrying no insurance, the state still requires drivers to carry uninsured motorist coverage. If an at-fault driver causes an accident, this will cover you. The other form of mandatory coverage in South Dakota is underinsured motorist coverage. This will protect you in case of an accident with someone who does not carry enough coverage.

South Dakota Cheap Auto Insurance Quotes: Recommended Coverage

Industry professionals recommend drivers carry personal injury protection or PIP to cover medical expenses for bodily injury regardless of who causes an accident. Towing and labor coverage is useful when a car needs roadside assistance, although such things may be covered by your auto club. Rental car coverage provides for reimbursement when you need a rental car and is another recommended form of coverage that can prove quite useful.

Highly recommended for anyone whose vehicle has a significant value is personal property damage. Made up of collision and comprehensive coverage, it is required by the lender if your vehicle is financed. Collision covers you if your vehicle is damaged in an accident you cause. Comprehensive covers you for losses from incurred from specific things like theft, fire and vandalism. Even though South Dakota boasts the 3rd lowest incidences of auto theft in the country, comprehensive coverage is still recommended.

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